Mayor Mattie Parker, City of Fort Worth | City of Fort Worth website
Mayor Mattie Parker, City of Fort Worth | City of Fort Worth website
Fort Worth has become a popular location for large colonies of nesting egrets. These birds, while visually appealing from afar, are known to create significant messes with their droppings and feathers on roofs, trees, sidewalks, and cars. Additionally, they bring an overwhelming odor.
Residents can take proactive measures to prevent egrets from nesting near their homes before the birds arrive. It is crucial to prepare properties in advance to deter these birds effectively.
It is important to note that once eggs are laid in nests, it is illegal to disturb them due to protections under migratory bird laws. Residents should respect local, state, and federal regulations while taking preventive actions.
By staying vigilant and adhering to recommended guidelines, residents can successfully keep egrets at bay without violating any legal protections for these migratory birds.